Here be the answers you seek.
I showed the clue to TTWCTT to Matt. He got the answer once I had explained that the red item was a golf tee and not a 'golf pointy thing'. We adore this book. I will dedicate a future post to Judith Kerr so hold on tight until then. 2.
I set the GCD clue up when Matt was not around as he would have definitely offered his creative input. I was chuffed with the dancefloor, dancing people, and the long-necked wall flower but Matt did not get it at all. Maybe it is because he has no concept of a disco! For Matt, dancing involves spinning around on your head in the hallway to 80s hip hop. It is Matt who spins, very much not me.
TWB was probably pretty obvious except if you are four. I am still trying to get Matt into this book. His main question after seeing the clue was 'when did you bath my babies?'
I thought that TDTPAP would be a cleaner book clue than The Dinosaur That Pooped the Bed. Matt got this one but mainly because he loves a poop story! He also had the benefit of seeing the clue in real life. I fear the toilet roll did not come out very clearly on the photo. You are free to use this excuse if you did not get this one.
TINMH is a classic Klassen book. It is a firm favourite in our house. However, the clue was possibly the hardest for everyone else to get. I blame the actor. I asked Matt to wear my old hat and do a face that said 'this is not my hat'.
Exhibit A
Exhibit B
Some days later I showed the photo clue to Matt and his answer was 'Mum's Hat'. Never work with children or hats.
This was an easy clue for FS . Matt got it straight away. All I could see was the filthy carpet. Next time I photograph a fox in socks I will try to scrub the calpol stains out of the carpet- or just take the photo on a clean surface. Maybe your house?
There was a slight spoiler alert on facebook regarding the Seabiscuit clue. A pal's 6 month old son, Teddy, found it rather amusing. He must have been laughing at how easy it was. Having said that, Matt did not get it! His answer was: The Biscuit Who Went to Sea. It does not sound like a story with have a happy ending.
I thought that the PP clue was a stroke of genius but it may have been a leap too far. The Other Parent, my Sister, my Brother in Law, and Matt, all struggled with this. They all said T instead of t. My sister also said dish instead of pan. T-Dish was not an acceptable answer. I really thought the pea, the t, and a pan would delight and amuse you for days. Maybe I need to work on my letters and also my understanding of what pleases other people.
KN is a lovely bedtime tale but it was a tricky clue to set up. I had to get Matt in on this one. My initial idea was to take a photo of Matt in his knight costume in the dark but he hated it. He stepped out into the garden in PJs and wellies, with a torch and sword. The helmet was impolitely turned down. He was outside for about 2 minutes before he mounted his steed and charged indoors.
So then I asked Matt to pop his knight's gear on and climb into bed. He replied: can I pretend I am a Roman? So he did and the rest is (medieval) history.
So let's see how you fared.
Not great is it? You have shown a smidgeon of knowledge but there is room for improvement. Stick around and we can sort you out.
Not bad. I knew you would do well. Wonder which ones tripped you up? Maybe you still need to stick around and we can sort you out.
Whoa. Well done. You have excellent knowledge of the children's book titles that we have on our shelves. I am not sure I am comfortable with your familiarity but you are obviously on our wavelength. Either way, you need help. So...stick around and we can sort you out.
And that concludes the quiz.
I definitely enjoyed it more than Matt and possibly more than you. It was an interesting process to see how familiar he was with the book titles. It made me realise that Matt does not see the titles in the same way as me the grownuptypeperson. Book titles amuse me, interest me, invite me. But book titles mean less to Matt firstly because he cannot read. He recognises books from their covers. Secondly, the titles, for Matt, are merely descriptions of the book. He looks beyond the title and identifies with the story within.
A lesson for us all?
This exercise has also made me realise that, sometimes, I have too much time on my hands. Maybe I had better go and clean the carpet.
Ha! As if. I have just got returned from Hay On Wye and have some reading to do. Sssshhhhh!
Considering the amount of books we have in the house i only got 4 (it would have been 5 if clue 6 was the more classy 'fox in socks'. who is that little rip off merchant anyway?). xx